100 Years of the Vote

Jovita Idár


A teacher, writer, and a women’s activist, Jovita Idár was a remarkably powerful force for progress on both sides of the Mexican – US border. Born in Laredo, Texas, in 1885, Jovita Idár first earned a teaching certificate but turned from education to a career in journalism by working for her father’s newspaper, “La Crónica.” She became editor of the newspaper after her father died and continued to expose through her articles the poor living and working conditions of Mexican-Americans. In 1916, she founded the weekly paper “Evolución.”

During this time, she became president of the League of Mexican Women, an organization focused on the education of Mexican children in Laredo. She was also active in the first Mexican Congress, an organization devoted to bringing together Mexican Americans to discuss equality in education and business. Both organizations worked to advance its members through education.

>> Click here to learn more about Idár’s work.
